Monday, December 12, 2005

Danzo gets lost in the crowd

Monday, November 07, 2005

so she was all like yea... and i was all like yea...

so i take it matt and mikey are cool now... well thats cool... but if they arnt... well thats not cool
so im like posting on this site theat ive never really posted on but now i am so its cool...
well... cya in shitville

Sunday, October 23, 2005


lalalalalalala... LA!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Matt... Matt Matt Matt

Matts the man... goin to work, skiped school cause he was "sii...ick"

tee hee

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

beef sticks??? BEEF STICKS?!?!

Well I feel that it is finaly time for me to post on this bad a-word mudda truckin blog.

Beef sticks... beef sticks are yummy and beefy... but they also tend to make people mad when people say it, I dont know why... but its frickin funny. Well actully Matt can say anything to make Mikey mad... but beef sticks just sound funny. Some day I will find my little friend Matt dead with beef sticks in his mouth... and I wont know what to do... Laugh or Cry.
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